Trendspotting: What’s Coming for Bio-IT in 2023

We spoke with several Bio-IT World community leaders to gain insights about their predictions for the coming year. For the first time in two years, COVID was not the primary topic of conversation. Instead, using artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) to accelerate workflows and develop novel therapies are expected to be the primary focal points this year. “The hype about generative AI becomes a reality in 2023. The foundations for true generative AI are finally in place, with software that can transform large language models and recommender systems into production applications that go beyond images to intelligently answer questions, create content, and even spark discoveries. This new creative era will fuel massive advances in personalized customer service, drive new business models and pave the way for breakthroughs in healthcare,” said Manuvir Das of NVIDIA. 

AI will also play a more significant role in how big data is curated and managed. Miruna Sasu of COTA Healthcare said, “This industry will make significant advancements in using technology to scale abstraction and data curation—from electronic health record data and claims data to new types of data like genomics and patient-reported outcomes. As we reach the point of accessing and deriving insights from big data in health and medicine, AI will continue to get smarter and more impactful for patients and industry alike.” 

This article will further discuss full trends and predictions, including additional forecasts for joining point solutions in digital health, high-accuracy long-read sequencing, regulatory initiatives for data management approaches, and a shift toward lightweight algorithms.


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